3 AM : Why Am I Up? Waking up at 3

The Dead Hour: 3 AM

From our Book “Why Am I Up? 3 AM” on Amazon

DCO0079 The Dead Hour is the time that begins around midnight and also occurs around 3 am. The Paranormal TV Show and paranormal institutions all agree that this time period is the most intense time for manifestations of entities, EMPs, paranormal events, and haunting. It is believed that the demons that are manifesting at this time are revisiting the time that Jesus was arrested and crucified 2000 years ago. It is this 6 hour window from the time He was arrested at 3 am and crucified at 9 am that has provoked such disturbances during the night times. At 3 am there are more crimes, suicides, poisonings, deaths in hospitals, haunting, and torments.I am up at 3 am almost every night. If I go to bed at 10 pm I usually jolt up from my sleep at 3 am. It is a time for me to seek God then in prayer. Many of the paranormal events I have experienced have happened around this time. It is like a switch goes on and the demonic harassments or manifestations begin to start. I have talked to many people and researched this matter. Many people are getting up or experiencing something at 3 am.

“Some paranormal investigators believe that 3 AM  is the time when paranormal activity is at its peak. These select investigators feel that, in essence, it’s the most active time because one theory is that Jesus died at 3 pm, so the opposite is 3 am. They feel that this particular time, because of this very reason, tends to be the preferred time of spirit activity….There are other speculations about “Dead Time”. Some believe that 3 am is actually the devil’s hour. They also believe that 3 am is not the time when all spirits are more active, but rather when demons are active. Again, they believe that since Jesus died at 3 pm then 3 am is the polar opposite. Demons will do what they can to defy Christ and therefore being most active at the polar opposite 3 am is what they enjoy. Also, more specifically, 3:33 am is widely believed to be the “Witching Hour“. Supposedly, 3:33 am is the time when the veil between the two worlds is the thinnest, allowing the spirits to cross over easier. http://theparanormalsociety.blogspot.com/2008/03/3am-dead-time.html

Late_at_night_by_s3vendays (2)The 3 am time period is an intense time of spiritual warfare for those who are following Christ. In this book we look closely at the time when Christ was crucified, the religions, customs, history, and world events that are and have occurred during the 3 am morning hours. I have had more than my share of events that have taken place at 3 am which is why we wrote this book. I have awakened paralyzed and fighting unseen forces at 3 am. I have been provoked to prayer and angry when being disturbed by demons that have come to stop the work of God in our family’s lives.

Why Am I Paralyzed?

Ghosts&Klein_Seance_ghostsm  The original definition of sleep paralysis was codified by Dr Johnson in his A Dictionary of the English Language as “nightmare,” a term that evolved into our modern definition. Such sleep paralysis was widely considered to be the work of demons and more specifically incubi, which were thought to sit on the chests of sleepers. In Old English the name for these beings was mare or mære (from a proto-Germanic marōn, cf. Old Norse mara), hence comes the mare part in nightmare. The word might be etymologically cognate to Hellenic Marōn (in the Odyssey) and Sanskrit Māra. Folk belief in Newfoundland, South Carolina and Georgia describe the negative figure of the Hag who leaves her physical body at night, and sits on the chest of her victim. The victim usually wakes with a feeling of terror, has difficulty breathing because of a perceived heavy invisible weight on his or her chest, and is unable to move i.e., experiences sleep paralysis. This nightmare experience is described as being “hag-ridden” in the Gullah lore. The “Old Hag” was a nightmare spirit in British and also Anglophone North American folklore. In Nigeria, “ISP appears to be far more common and recurrent among people of African descent than among whites or Nigerian Africans”, and is often referred to within African communities as “the Devil on your back.”Various forms of magic and spiritual possession were also advanced as causes. http://www.hauntedamericatours.com/ghoststories/

There are several medical reasons for waking up with sleep paralysis during the night: stress, eating late, disease, narcolepsy, cataplexy, and hypnologic hallucinations. I don’t rule out any of these as possibilities for why anyone is experiencing this phenomenon. However waking up from sleep paralyzed at 3 am could be a sign of demonic activities that are not related to a medical occurrence. Because I am not a doctor I cannot provide any insight into the matter based on your own personal health. I can only give you my insights from a spiritual perspective. It is your judgment call if you feel like you need to seek medical help for this occurrence.

Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night, Nor for the arrow that flieth by day; for the pestilence that walketh in darkness, Nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday. A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; But it shall not come nigh thee. Psalm 91:5-7

k3258549Ever since I was a teenager I have experienced it. Over the years it has lessened in my life. I have learned to pray against and war against it when it happens to me or my husband. When I have experienced sleep paralysis I have been attacked, tormented, and even tackled. I am wide awake when this happens and unable to move. I have heard noises, sounds, and have seen dark spirits, black birds and other entities manifest. I am awake when it happens. You get this sensation of feeling really drowsy and tired. And you know that if you go back to sleep it will only get worse. The room is very clear and you know that you are not asleep. You know that if you can move just one part of your body or scream that you can break the spirit that is holding you down. Fear can also paralyze you. It is a spirit and also an over whelming grip. God did not give us a spirit of fear. Bind it and rebuke it in Jesus name!

I have talked to so many Christians who go though this and have no idea how to deal with it. There are two solutions I have found that work every time I am paralyzed. Call upon the name of Jesus. If you are not able to talk then just say it in your mind “Jesus help me!” As a Christian we also have the power to rebuke it and bind it. Whether or not it is a medical problem you are having it is not normal nor of God. You have nothing to lose by rebuking and calling upon his name for help. Jesus came for us to have healing in our bodies so if it is medical he can help you still. If it is demonic and you are being tormented by spirits you still have power over it based upon his power. This does not happen as often as it used to because I have learned to pray, bind it, cry out, and fight with the weapons of warfare we have in Christ! Pray for the Lord to make you sleep peacefully and restful in Jesus’ name!

why am i upfront

Why Am I Up? 3 AM

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27 thoughts on “3 AM : Why Am I Up? Waking up at 3

  1. I am not sure how I even found this article but I think it helped me understand what’s going on. I’ve been waking up off and on at 3am my whole life but it got worse when I came down with depression when I was 13 almost five years ago. I am very sensitive, an empath and psychic via dreams and I have been waking up at 3:13 am, and 3:33 am again a lot lately and it’s almost like someone is talking to me in my mind and it wakes me up in my sleep because it’s in the form of thought but it’s some other being.. it’s very nagging and hard to ignore so I usually end up waking up and staying up until 4 and then going back to sleep .


  2. But is usually gets worse when I pray and I am having some issues with Christ. All of these are true for me. Please help! They are really scary and are telling me some weird stuff. Please help.


    • You have no issues with christ, you can only tell yourself that. Pray and pray again. Dont satisfy and dont give up. You have to overcome the obstacles and not let the devil defeat you. Put faith in christ and there will be great outcome. They are telling you weird things in attempg to manipulate you because you are vulnerable. The lord our heavenly father is always by your side. He says “ask and it shall be given”. GOD BLESS US ALL.


  3. Hi…iv been experiencing terrible stuff…it happened to me a while ago n den again last night. The 1st happening was like i was asleep and all of a sudden a opened my eyes..i saw smbdy is a old black laggy clothes..wen i looked up his face was burning and had horns..during this moment my breathing stopped fro about a minute or so…den that thing left..when i chckd the time it was 3:12.am… last night i experienced it again but this time it spoke to me and said ” come and join me” i couldnt move any portion of my body..my breathing also seized den with struggle i moved my head away from it and it left…i chckd the time it was 2:57am….can ny body tell me wat culd b d reason fr all ds


    • Hi Samuel. Thanks for writing. There could many reasons why you are under attack: occult objects in you home, curses, relationships around you, family curses, and witchcraft in our around your life. The demon asking you to come join him are wanting you to become apart of the darkness that is evil. You are in a battle… a spiritual battle. NO matter what you are fighting it is demonic. It not a human, but it is a demon. The only power against demons is the name and power of Jesus Christ. To use that power you must first belong to Jesus Christ. You must be saved to use his name. You must have first accept Jesus Christ in your life! Assuming that you don’t know Jesus. I will send you a prayer to pray. Get someone quiet, pray and ask Jesus to come into your life. You must be a born again Christian to deal with evil. Jesus gave us all power in the earth in his name to defeat darkness. You may have this demon come again but you have nothing to fear when you belong to God through his son Jesus Christ. God and his angel are with you when you are saved. Jesus name and him alone will give you power to rebuke and bind the demon. you can say after you prayed for salvation when it returns” I bind you demon in Jesus name! I command you demon in Jesus name to leave my home and never come back! I cast you to the desert and the dry places now, i rebuke you in Jesus name. Leave me now in Jesus holy name!” That will remove and stop the demon, if it return you keep standing on Jesus. He will have to stop tormenting you as you give your life to Jesus Christ. Find a local christian church, read the bible online or get a hold of a bible to learn more about the Christian faith. The demon is coming for you because it desire to destroy your life and use you for evil. It desire to keep you from Jesus Christ. Pray the prayer i will send, find a bible and began to read the gospel, get a local church or small group of Christians, and when you are attacked… bind and rebuke the demon in the name of Jesus. God will grow you as his child and show you more. But for right now.. you need help and Jesus is the only one that has all power to help you! You can’t do this alone.. You need the Savior! we will keep you in our prayer! You can do this… in Jesus Christ! Here is the prayer…I repent
      for my my sins. I don’t want to live my life without you Jesus. I believe in you in Jesus that you lived, died upon the cross and rose again for my sins. I want to live my life , hear and obey You, Jesus come in to my heart. I surrender my heart to you.I confess
      with my lips that Jesus is Lord and believe in my heart that God raised Him from the dead. I believe that God so loved the world He sent His only Son Jesus to shed His blood to wash away the barrier of sin receive You, Jesus
      as MY Lord and Savior .I welcome You, Holy Spirit,
      into my life, fill me now with your presents, rescue, guide me daily, and empower me and restore me to intimacy with my heavenly Father through Jesus Christ. I receive the Holy Spirit by faith now! Teach me and guide to be God’s child and to keep my personal walk with Jesus as I grow in him. I love you God and thank you for saving me. IN Jesus name


  4. I do not have sleep paralysis. I can move and see what is attacking me. I normally, if having those issues, wake up at 3, and can’t go back to sleep until 4. Praying and reading from psalm 107 has helped. God bless all of you.


  5. Ever since my husband told me he wants a divorce I keep waking up at 03:15 in the morning and sleep eludes me for the rest of the night. I haven’t seen anything, but I’m wondering whether my “battle” with Christ to save my marriage has anything to do with it. When I wake up I spend my time praying for myself, my husband and my marriage. Any insights?


  6. Ever since my husband told me he wants a divorce I have been waking up at 03:15 and sleep eludes me for the rest of the night. I spend this time “battling” with Christ to save my marriage. I have not seen anything during this time. Is there any significance to this?


    • Hi Cassie, Sorry for the delay in answering your message. I pray God heals your marriage. I know it can be hard. Whenever your marriage or family are being torn apart I believe you are in a battle. 3 Am is a time of war… but so it the rest of the day. Waking up at 3 am for me has been a daily event for years. I believe you are in a battle for your family. It can appear that some of the worst demonic things we see are extreme and hostile. Sometimes the worst things we experience are when thing seen normal and calm. We often look for great manifestation when really it is quietly right in front of us. Your marriage is being attacked. You are waking up and nothing evil is going on but your family is being torn apart. That is the battle. There is no need for demons to show up at 3 am violently is they are attacking your marriage the rest of the day. It is the thing we don’t see…. that can be the most evil. You are in an prayer battle and God is waking you up to spend time with him in prayer. The question is how do you get the victory? First I suggest you and God work out you and him. What I mean is I don’t know that state of your marriage but God does and he can guide you on what to do and his will. He got to work out in you hearing and healing first. As God heal and guide you to hear and see his will you will have the tools to fight in prayer.
      I have been married 26 years. I have learned that I need God to help me be who he wants no matter what happen in my marriage. I pray for my marriage That I become what God desire and what my Husband’s needs. Your marriage problem did not come over night, things grow. God’s will for your marriage is something you have to hear for yourself and be willing to do and be as God says the wife he has called you too. From the beginning of time of Adam and Eve the family has been under attacked. Your marriage is being attacked but Jesus has given us the victory to pray and stand in power in him. Your battles is in the spirit and not the flesh. Arguing will not solve it. Trying to force your husband to talk to you may not work. You need divine help from God. Jesus lived, died, and rose again to help us. He understands. Start in the spirit as you have been praying and it will manifest in your marriage. The fight may get even harder as you press into prayer, but as you allow God to don his work in you… he will show you what to do. You don’t have to see evil to be effect by it. It is there around us … but so is our angels and God’s power. Read the word of God, pray, and seek God’s face. If you are backslidden ask Jesus to come and restore you. Get power and wisdom from God as you pray. I don’t know if you saw the movie WAR ROOM about a broken marriage being restored with prayer.. It started with the wife getting right with God and trusting him. Let God do work in you. That does not mean you did anything wrong in your marriage, it means you can only change yourself not your husband. But prayer can heal you both with power. I write books for the broken black families. But in my book Prayers for Black women you will find prayers for women in general to get healed, family saved, and God’s power. I will keep you in my prayers. Run to your prayer closet and let God speak to you guide you, love you, and heal you. Then you will know more about how you need to fight and God’s will for your marriage. May God heal and restore your marriage! Blessing Janie

      See Jane Dream
      Janie McGee

      Double Latte Books
      Janie McGee


      • Janie, thank you for your reply. The evidence that this is a battle is in the spiritual realm has been magnified over the weekend. I am praying for God’s forgiveness for any and all sins in my life and for his gracious mercy. I am also praying and begging for my husband. I am extremely worried about his soul and the demonic attacks that I am sure is being aimed at him. We have had problems in our marriage, but there is one specific factor that I have identified and am worried about. He has a new friend who seemed like a very nice person at first, but lately my husband has been pushing me away to make space for this friend. He is constantly there, constantly contacting my husband and my husband does not see anything wrong. I however has been starting to look deeper into his heart and soul and I see a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Financially my husband and I are not extremely strong and sometimes struggle. This friend is now showering my husband with money and expensive gifts. He is placing himself firmly between me and my husband and my husband thinks he is only a good friend. I can’t help but feel that this is part of the attack on my husband and on my marriage and that he is not a godly person. He gave me a look over the weekend that said ” I won “. I am praying for God to bind the spiritual attacks on my husband, myself and our marriage, to surround us with his angels and cover us with the blood of His Son our Lord Jesus Christ. To fill our hearts ans souls with the Holy Spirit and place in both of us and our marriage the will to follow Him, the will to do His will and the will to serve Him and proclaim His glory and power. May I please ask you to help me in this spiritual battle that God is commanding on my part and pray with me.


      • Hi Cassie! Amen! I will pray with you for the victory. As you read the word of God you will see Jesus confronting demons with authority. Read through the gospel and let the Holy Spirit reveal to you on tragedy for spiritual Warfare. (Ephesians 6) When we intercede for other’s deliverance it does not require that person to be in agreement… it is walking in spiritual authority we have through Christ Jesus. His name give us power and like you said the blood of Christ. God will uses this to make you stronger for others who will go through. Your husband may have issues with men or family that needed a male to feel some issues in his life (from his father or others trouble relationship). They fact he gravitated toward this relationship is a sign of some kind of need or hook the enemy is using . Also study Jezebel spirit. It is not male or female but controlling. Understand the demons you are dealing with and what is after is key to prayer. God will reveal that to you as you pray and how to pray. As always Love never fail. This issue with your marriage is deeper than just you. WE as human try to fill our lives with missing pieces and needs. No matter who your husband would be married to he may still have these issue if filling a hole in his life. Plus this stage of your marriage may need more revelations on marriage and walking with God to sustain the future ahead. Selfishness a major issues in killing marriage. Demons use that sin nature to pull people apart. Our need, need to be filled with God and then we serve each other freely. Check out Cindy Trimms Books Rules for engagement and also Tony Evans on Youtube teaching on marriage. Equipping yourself with the right weapon vs just weapons will give you the win in this battle for promise victory. Many years from now God through this will have given you future tools for attacks to come and to make you and your husband stronger. Sometimes in these season of trials we do not understand the bigger picture… which is God building his kingdom in our marriages and family. Stand strong and walk in love. Don’t let the enemy engage you in battles that are not yours or that will set you up for defeat. mark your words as Led by God and be led by God through Christ Jesus. Your fight is not with your husband per say, it is with demons from the beginning of time out to destroy God’s will for us his Children. I will join you in my prayers for your victory. May your faith be strong IN a God that never fails! God bless J

        See Jane Dream
        Janie McGee

        Double Latte Books
        Janie McGee


  7. That’s happened to me alot of times for many years. It feels good to find that I am not the only one suffering from that 😦
    I read most of the comments, and I would like to share my bad experience too.
    Unlike most of you, I am not christian, I am Muslim. But we believe too in the existence of devil “Satan”.
    I talked to some friend about my frequent wake ups, which happens exactly around 3 to 3:10 am. My friend told me that I am being “watched” by an evil. I couldn’t doubt what my friend said because I am divorced, and the wicked family of my ex known of dealing with “those spirits”. One time that I still remember was I saw a wolf watching me right in front of my bed, then it vanished.


  8. I had a friend kill himself and last night I had a clear vision of him in my dream and his appearance was very frightening. I opened my eyes and it was 3:00 A.M. I am 46 years old and was saved around Thanksgiving last year. I truly believe that demons are closer to me now than ever before. I prey alot and for everyone. I feel like I am being watched most of the time and not in a good way. I used to listen to satanic music and have an inverted pentagram tattoo and a grim reaper also. I understand that Jesus Christ has washed away my former sins but I am still tormented by evil. I know that I must keep praying and being selfless but I am seeing Shadow people now all the time. Please give me a prayer to protect me and my family. Thank you and God bless you.


    • Hi Thank for writing. I am so sorry to hear about your friend. May God strengthen you and his family.
      I still wake up at 3 am daily. Sometimes to pray and sometimes a battle. It sounds like after you got saved. You still have battles, we all do in different ways because we switch to walking with God. The most important thing I can suggest is to deal with the battles with the weapons God has given us: His Authority, his son, his armor, his word, prayer, and the holy spirit. Many times when people can to Christ that have come from fiercest background they are fought differently and not sure how to battle. You are in a battle… so fight. it like having a car that won’t drive… you got to face fact and fix the car to get where you need to go. Warfare throws people off because they are not expecting it. when it happen they are shocked.When they tells others sometimes they are made to feel weird. it is not strange at all to experience warfare, but it is hard. Many people with go through unseen battles. It is the power and the name of Jesus that I have find can only break the darkness that comes for you. I have many things happen that I know come from evil. But I learned to fight and give the glory to God. You need to study the bible. Study the authority Jesus had and gave us. Know you God through study of the word. Pray daily and learn to hear from God through the holy spirit. Binding and loosing is power against demons. God has to rebuild you from your pass and then he will use you as he chooses. It took Paul 3-14 years of studying and walking with God as his ministry became well known. I spent three years in the word after getting saved . I studying and practice the occult and other religion.I came to the cross of Jesus and he changed my life for the better. he will do it for you. Dont walk in fear , walk in faith that you have authority through the name of Jesus. If you knew you have a million dollars in the bank you spend it. when you realize what you have in God through Jesus Christ, there is no reason to fear but get in faith. Jesus died and rose again for you to have power nad be restored to God through him. Now comes the living part. And evil from the past is always trying to torment you or take you back. But God has made you his… game over! Fear will cause you to run and not stand and use the name of Jesus. Rebuke it, bind it, and cast it to the desert! He is allowing this not to scare you but to turn you to seek answered so you can help others when it times. This is your time to study and grow! Greater is the Lord Jesus in you than he that he that is in the world! You have the victory even as you fight! The shadow people are demons.They are called watcher spirits. they may be several other demons types also…. but you have angels around you and God will and is protecting you! have faith in the God you serves is bigger than the demons that torment. He is God all by himself! I will add some links in youtube next to help. you study!!! Pray!!! walk in the spirit of God! Email me your address at doublelattebooks@live.com I will send you one of our prayer books free! Stay strong my brother… You are not defeated. Draw close to Jesus and press in. read and pray! The lord will began to show you how to stand, bless your home, and take the ground back in your life the demon are trying to destroy. Your future is in Jesus Christ! Ephesians 6. God bless and praying for you.! Janie


    • Hi Thanks for writing. We wrote this book because so many people over the years have experienced attack. The warfare is real, not just at 3 am but all day. We wrote about this time in the morning because for many prayer warriors they are up. The solution will always be the name of Jesus. I have walked with him many years and have experienced great battles. Even the word says that Satan left Jesus for a season. He lived , died, and was raised to sit on the right hand of God for our victory. Jesus is Lord. Binding and rebuking are tools we as believer can use. There are many reasons why you may be attacked….so first I encourage if you are not a Christian..to come to know Christ Jesus. The only tools i have found that work is first belongIng to God by accepting Jesus Christ as savior. Second is surrender your life to him, repent for your sins, and getting baptized by praying to be filled with the Holy Spirit.

      Next read the bible daily, pray, and draw close to God so you can grow. The tools to rebuke and bind in the name of Jesus will work the minute you commit your life to Christ Jesus.. He will guide you and show how to get Victor y in every area of your life.
      Now you have power to deal with the attacks as Jesus now lives in your life. The battle you have been facing could be from: objects in your home that is possessed, witchcraft, demonic influence of others, soul ties, generational curses, and curses in general. It could be from many sources. I wish I could say that there is a way to have thempermanently stop, but I cant. Because the bibles say we are in a war against evil, Ephesians 6. But I can say you can guarantee the victory in every battle because you have power from on high through Christ Jesus! You will have the victory and can rebuke and bind the attacks. The demon have to obey the name of Jesus as you walk in his authority as a child of God. They are defeated!! Demons like familiar places and will attack through generations lines. As we give our lives to Jesus we have authority to bind them and defeat them through his name. As you grow in Christ and study his word you will become more equipped to fight. This is not the whole of being a Christian but it is a part many times left out of many church teachings.

      I learn to fight because like you…no one could explain to me why I was being attacked.and many times people would say you are crazy or you must of did something to bring this on yourself. So people even believe that As a Christian is not necessary to fight. It is necessary to fight because evil is real but So is our call to stand in power and in truth as children of God. Otherwise why are we called soldier? we are in an army…God’s army. Armies fight!!

      We are equipped for each battle we face as we follow Christ.Christianity is the only religion i have ever study that has an answer to dealing with darkness…th e power we have in Jesus as His and the blood of the lamb. I encourage you to gird up your walk with God, pray when you wake up, use the weapons of God in his word, bind in Jesus name, and seek God to understand what is causing the attacks. Pray pray pray. Don’t walk in fear… Walk in faith! Our book is .99 on Amazon to download. Also look up Win Worley , ivory Hopkins, Okaluya, and Derek Prince on YouTube. Also Chris White video on sleep paralysis. God bless and keep praying . Stand against anything that is not of God as a child of his. You have the promised victory even if you have the fight!! God bless Janie


  9. After many years of prayer and life crusade to understand the word of God I started being jolted awake from powerful dreams at 3am days in a row. All at 3am on the dot. All of the dreams were answers to questions. Each time it felt like jolts of electricity went through my body and I would have visions in either gold or black and white. I saw symbols numbers and geometry. Almost uncontrollably I started filling up notebooks with understanding. This has happened to me twice so far usually over a few week period. I have gone days without sleep. I am writing in a geometric and numerical language so far only one priest understood. The dreams have given me a key to look deep into scripture and understand like never before. I will never be the same. It has been both a blessing and hardship. Many people I speak with cannot relate to the language I have been shown. I would love to speak with someone who can share this experience with me.


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